Friday, 21 June 2019


                                                           Image result for rumpelstiltskin

           "Which Character in the story do you empathize / sympathize with ? Why ?"

There's four main characters in the Brothers Grimm fairytale "Rumpelstillskin," Including the miller, the king, the miller's daughter and the tittle character Rumpelstillskin. Based on my opinion, The main character of this story, Rumpelstillskin were describe as a bad character which is an evil to the end of the story, So, Mostly the emphatize or sympathize that will the readers make is for him. He was a unique character. However, There's still have a good criteria that belongs to him especially when the part of this story shows that Rumpelstillskin always helping the woman who does in need. Example, like the miller's daughter who has to fulfill the king's request to 'spin straw into gold'. From the small amount until she need to full the room with a gold. The ending of this story is when this miller's daughter became a queen, and Rumpelstillskin claimed his promise but sadly, he did not get anything because of the miller's daughter is so lucky.


                                                       Image result for The Elves and The Shoemaker

A poor shoemaker and his wife need money to pay the rent. He gives away the last pair of shoes he has to a poor lady. He has leather to make one more pair of shoes. The elves secretly come in the night to the shop and make a pair of shoes, which he sells for more than what he set the price as the previous day. He uses the money he makes to pay the rent, buy food and more leather to make his shoes. He feeds a poor traveler. The elves come the next night and make two pairs of shoes with the leather the shoemaker bought. He gives away one pair to a needy person and sells the other pair a customer who is very happy with the shoes. The shoemaker buys leather for three shoes, and stays up to find the elves making the shoes. The shoemaker and wife make clothes for the elves the next day, but the elves are lifted from their obligation when given clothes, so the elves leave, and the shoemaker and his wife never see them again.

Moral lesson : 
'' Be like the elves in this story and help elderly not only in their hours of needs but at all times.''
'' We must help other people especially to the needy and elderly people . Helping them by giving their needs and care.  We must do our responsibility to them. ''